martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Why? 0r Why not?

Why? 0r Why not? Apply new tools to learn English. That has been the question wondering in my mind for a while. If you do not take risk in life you will never get the experience of learning….I have also wonder if my students like English, if they dislike using English book and if they dislike their English teacher. So what can I do to change all that! I decided to take a risk, and learn something new.

I finally did it! I enrolled in the course Web 2.0.This will be my new adventure to learn new tools and to applied in class with my students. I will keep you post it.

10 comentarios:

Margie Nunez dijo...

I hope we all can learn these new tools and apply them to our courses. Good luck!

Hugo Velasco dijo...

That's true know that making happy to every single student is imposible, there are so many things that they like and hate. But it should not stop us to leran and try new things

Jackie dijo...

Life is about taking risks, so as educators we set examples of doing so also. Learners value when educators take risks and share the same fears and insecurities. Why? Why not? I like this!

Irma Illonka dijo...

I think the scary part will be findind the answer: they do not like english. Then, what to do?, have you thought about the activities you would like to include in your classes?.
keep in mind one of the videos we watched last class: students want classes that engage them above all. I am sure you will succeed

teach content online dijo...

Even though we might find some students don´t like English, I am sure the teachers have a lot to do with this dealing with students´motivation. And Magda, we are all risk takers in this course. You´re not alone.

Gladys Ipanaque dijo...

Well, I believe it is fun to learn a language using these new tools. They can listen, read, speak and write in the target language. It is just a matters of designing or tailoring the course according to their likes and needs.

Of course, it will be a challenge for us all to learn to interact in this "new environment". We need to think beyond the classroom walls.

Unknown dijo...

This is a good start for this blog and you already have lots of comments! Keep going!

prisci u de dueñas dijo...

Why? I believe this is the endless question
Why not? Aparently the right answer for people who prefer taking the chance instead of making a new questio: What if?
Nice design

Kira dijo...

Nice game of words Prisci, I usually go for Why not? And that is basically why I registered this course. I agree with Magda and you all. We have to take the chance and boost up our already existent creativity.

Margarita "Mitoh" Ortiz dijo...

it’s an adventure for all of us. What I like the most is how we have evolved from zero to … infinite and the challenge that will be to apply what we will learn and to continue on our own.

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